Monday, January 7, 2008

Sworn to secrecy

Kemal Dervis and Ad Melkert have known each other not only from the times at the World Bank, but as revealed from the listing of the most secretive masonic organization in the world, they're both BILDERBERG-ers.

Both have attended Bilderberg Secret Conferences at least twice in their lives. Attendees of Bilderberg include central bankers, defense experts, mass media press barons, government ministers, prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and political leaders from Europe and North America.

The original intention of the Bilderberg Group was to further the understanding between Western Europe and North America through informal meetings between powerful individuals. Each year, a "steering committee" devises a selected invitation list with a maximum of 100 names. Invitations are extended only to residents of Europe and North America.

The location of their annual meeting is not secret, but the public and press are strictly kept at distance by police force and private security guards so the group can work their agenda. The contents of the meetings are kept secret and attendees pledge not to divulge what was discussed.

Both Dervis and Melkert have attended lately (2006 and 2007) the Bilderberg Secret Conferences on their capacity of Administrator and Deputy Administrator of UNDP. Both have claimed Travel and DSA (daily allowances) from UNDP to attend the Secret Meetings of Bilderbergs.

Following their behaviour UNDP staff has the right to ask questions:

  • Why they didn't disclose their affiliation to Bilderberg when they signed their respective contracts? (it is explicitly requested that UN employees declare their political or other affiliations)
  • We fail to understand how can UNDP explain and accept charges and use of public funds from Dervis and Melkert attending Secretive Gatherings whose objectives and thinking have nothing to do with what UNDP stands and was created for?
  • Where are the travel report associated with their travel to these secret conferences?
  • What is the message Kemal and Ad brought to Bilderbergs and what they gained by attending such events?
  • What best-practices did thy brought back home to UNDP ?
  • How can Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki Moon, allow that Nr#3 and Nr#4 of his organization are members of a Secret Organization? Of the same secret organization? Isn't this a collusion?
  • How many sons, daughters, girlfriends and boyfriends of Bilderberg-ers work at the UNDP ?
The group's secrecy and its connections to power elites has provided fodder for many who believe that the group is part of a conspiracy to create a New World Order.

One critic of the Bilderberg meetings, American paleoconservative conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones, claims that the group intends to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States and other countries into a supra-national structure similar to the European Union or a possible North American Union structured around the NAFTA trade agreements.

Daniel Estulin, a Madrid-based author, claims that the long-term purpose of Bilderberg is to "Build a One-World Empire". He states the group "is not the end but the means to a future One World Government" whose ultimate goal is to transform Earth into a prison planet "...policed by a United World Army, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by a microchipped population whose life's needs have been stripped down to materialism and survival — work, buy, procreate, sleep — all connected to a global computer that monitors our every move."

While many or all of such theories could be pure "crap." This doesn't mean that Kemal Dervis and Ad Melkert are allowed, during their tenure as Nr#3 and Nr#4 of the United Nations, to attend Secret Organizations and Secret Gatherings.

Their participation in Bilderbergs and their latest behaviour in turning UNDP into a total secretive organization, shows that their affiliation to Bilderbergs has had an influential effect in them with a detremental impact on UNDP affairs.

Their tactics and means - such are the destruction of information, and not allowing UNDP documentation to be made public, follow the same mindset and tactics used by Bilderbergs, when at the end of each Secret Gathering the meeting documentation is totally destroyed and participants sworn to total secrecy.


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