Would Netherland continue to pay hundreds of millions for UNDP ? Will see....
De Volksrant



"....The staff is sick and tired of the impunity extended by the office of the Secretary-General to senior managers for their failings especially in situations where it has led to death and disability....." - UN Staff Union
Life in the Big Apple:
Herfkens got US 280,000 dollars as compensation for her apt rental from the Dutch government between October 2002 and January 2006 besides her salary as ASG (which comes with rent subsidies) from United Nations Development Programme.
That's what is called DOUBLE DIPPING.
Heck then she wanted to be a part-time Senior Advisor with enough time to be a consultant ( would it be the World Bank ?) or member of BODs whilst living in the DC area. Any loophole to maintain the nice life she has been accustomed to.
Great for the defender of the poor.
where is wallace the and the US Government why aren't they distrubed from Eveline ? Or maybe Eveline was working for US Government?
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