Friday, March 28, 2008

Dervis orders his office in Lebanon to fix website, while infiltrated hizbollah elements in Lebanon office continue to quote wrong facts on 2006 war

After the publication of the UNDP's omitting the existence of Israel bordering Lebanon and despite immediate move from Kemal Dervis office to order fix-es on the UNDP Lebanon Website (click here) , infiltrated Hezbollah elements in UNDP Lebanon continue to state wrongfully facts about the war of 2006.

UNDP Lebanon continue to state that:

Moreover, the war by Israel against Lebanon in July 2006 was devastating to
the economy.

The continuing denial of UNDP to officially recognize Israel, and the truth of who waged war on whom in 2006, is a sign that UNDP's problems continue to persist and are rather structured deep in its management.

UNDP management is totally silent during the last 18 months of political crisis that have embraced Lebanon from the Hezbollah and Syrian backers who don't want to elect a president and are pushing the country to the verge of major economic and social chaos.

United Nations Secretariat have a complete different picture of the situation in Lebanon and 2006 war.

UNDP Watch is taking the liberty to quote from UN's main website version of the war:(

“New hostilities on the Israeli-Lebanese Border started on 12 July 2006 when
Hizbollah launched several rockets from Lebanese Territory across the BlueLine
towards IDF positions . . . In parallel, Hezbollah fighters crossed the Blueline
and attacked an Israeli patrol and captured two Israeli soldiers, killed three
others and wounded two more".

1 comment:

Jeffery Silverman said...

One needs to ask the question how all this began in Lebanon and to lay responsibilty at the feet of the person or individulas that have made this all possible within UNDP.

As most UN Staff Members in Lebanon know, the previous Res. Rep Mona Hammam was Vehemently Anti Semitic and would approve any such articles that were published. She was PRO Hezbollah and anyone with other opinions were Ostracized openly.

This is a practice that has gone on now for several years and began under the leadership on MONA HAMMAM and her Hezbollah Allies within UNDP.

Hopefully now the truth will come to light for all to see who managed this mis-information dissemination/propoganda efforts on behalf of Hezbollah in Lebanon and ensure that those that have Orchestrated this are held responisble for their actions.