Thursday, March 11, 2010

EBRD, EIB and WB ready to invest up to 25 bn euro in Central and Eastern Europe in 2010

Baku, Fineko/ The European Bank for Development & Reconstruction, the European Investment Bank Group, and the World Bank Group are ready to obtain realization of the Joint IFI Action Plan in support of banking systems and lending to the real economy in Central and Eastern Europe.

The above-listed IFIs’ statement says that they put together a financing plan of up to ?24.5 billion for 2009-2010 and have already made available over ?19 billion in 2009 in crisis-related financial support for financial sectors in the region.

"The resources not yet taken up remain available for mobilisation during 2010 and beyond. We will concentrate our efforts on dealing with the legacy of the crisis: contraction in credit in many countries; rising non-performing loans; and still weak bank balance sheets in several countries. We will assist banks and corporates with balance sheet restructuring and clean-up, risk-mitigation, and instruments to provide lending, particularly to SMEs. We will also work together to address special needs in the region, including local currency lending to unhedged borrowers and the development of domestic capital markets, in close collaboration with other international and European institutions and governments,” the statement says.

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