Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Helen Clark speech to Executive Board fails to address systemic failures, tries to divert attention of the board

Click here to read this in full @ :  http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/presscenter/speeches/2013/01/28/helen-clark-first-regular-session-of-the-undp-executive-board/

Later this week, the Board will discuss the Evaluation Report on poverty reduction covering the period 2000-2010.  Let me underline that UNDP always welcomes scrutiny of its operations and results, and the opportunity to learn from and exchange views on evaluations.

Reducing poverty is one of the most complex problems humankind has to resolve, even in the most affluent societies. It is “a marathon, not a sprint”, and goes beyond tackling income deprivation to addressing broader human deprivation, including in education, health, dignity, rights, gender inequality, and voice. Approaches to this challenge vary. That diversity is reflected in the difference between the approach favoured in the evaluation report and that advocated by UNDP.

The evaluation notes that while development solutions need to be targeted, UNDP has made valuable contributions to establishing the agenda of poverty reduction from the multidimensional perspective of human development as a priority. Efforts to improve the impact of our work must continue, including by taking into account the lessons and recommendations presented in the evaluation as is clearly stated in the UNDP management response. Throughout my time at UNDP, I have stressed the importance of embarking on work which is capable of being scaled up and contributing to transformational and systemic change – a matter rightly regarded as important by the evaluation.

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