Thursday, November 22, 2007

Playing God – UNFPA throw a millionaire party with tax payers money.

When you hear of Bill Gates or any Hollywood Star throwing a million dollar party, you seat in front of the TV, envying what these people have and how this people made their money and how come god doesn’t make you as reach as them.

But at the end, you go look yourself in the mirror and you understand that you have neither Bill Gates brain, nor Tom Cruise beauty nor you can play God and move furniture around your own apartment or even turn your boss into a turkey and eat him for thanksgiving.

The problem is that at the United Nations many managers and staffers have forgotten to check themselves in front of a mirrow and they are continuing to play Bill Gates or Tom Cruise or even playing God’s representative on earth.

From November 11 to 16, the “poorest” United Nations Agency, the United Nations Fund for Population spent more than 1.5 million dollars for their annual Global Meeting.

While CEOs of CITI and other top 500 hundred companies are loosing their jobs for miss-management, because they were not being diligent and saveguarding their company’s and investors interest, at the UN - its Agencies can afford to throw million dollars for a meeting a retreat. All this as if the United Nations doesn’t have at least 50 conference room, which more than half are free most of the time and can accommodate half of Manhattan, and currently are being used from Delegates as sleeping / relax rooms.

But with UNFPA the problem is not only the million dollar party. At UNFPA staff has to make their money too out of this deal.

On 21st August 2007, the UNFPA Contract Review Committee reviewed the submission for a waiver of competitive bid with Doral Forrestal Marriot Hotel and Convention Center. As if it wasn’t enough the UNFPA management increased the contract by an additional US$ 93,925.00 to US$ 620,759.94. The Committee approved the Submission Nr# 07/78 in the name of the poor and the “omnipotent” that seat in United Nations Population Fund. Two of those that think of themselves as Vatican Representatives in New York and sent by god to UNFPA, Bill Musoke and Mari Simonen signed the submission and thought that this would definitely help more people understand why they have to use condoms.

On top of that UNFPA realized that while the above amount was only for rooms, they also needed some food and why not telecommunication and why not porno movies in their rooms. Well since the main theme of the organization is distributing condoms, why not check out which are the latest techniques in modalities of use. So they added another US$ 700,000, and made the amount 1,3 Million.

One of the problems that were discussed in the meeting was to find those responsible for sending lately XXL (extra-large) condoms to North Korea, knowingly that that shipment was directed to Nigeria, which instead received the S (small) ones. Meanwhile the management praised the role of the UNFPA representative in China, for being diligent and not letting the XXL's getting to North Korea at all, they were spoted and kept in customs in China. At least they avoided a scandal. But at the end after doing some auto-critic and those responsible promised not to do it again, it was decided to switch the condoms for an additional cost of US$ 150,000 and bring the poor Nigerian’s their XXL version.

While Khalilzad of USUN is preparing his briefing to the US Congress and Senate to convince them why they have to consider giving additional funds to UNFPA, and ensure them that the Nigerians and North Koreans would no longer receive the wrong sizes, and how good UNFPA is and how they offered to throw in some "incentives" for their next programmes in Nigeria and North Korea.

Meanwhile - this morning, at his 60 million US$ house, Bill Gates is in front of his mirror asking god why he didn’t make him a United Nations Employee !!

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