(Doha, 8 December 2012) At the UN Climate Change Conference in
Doha, Qatar (COP18/CMP8), governments have taken the next essential step
in the global response to climate change. Countries have successfully
launched a new commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, agreed a firm
timetable to adopt a universal climate agreement by 2015 and agreed a
path to raise necessary ambition to respond to climate change. They also
endorsed the completion of new institutions and agreed ways and means
to deliver scaled-up climate finance and technology to developing
“Doha has opened up a new gateway to bigger ambition and to
greater action – the Doha Climate Gateway. Qatar is proud to have been
able to bring governments here to achieve this historic task. I thank
all governments and ministers for their work to achieve this success.
Now governments must move quickly through the Doha Climate Gateway to
push forward with the solutions to climate change,” said COP President
Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah.Click here for full access @ : http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/climatechange/pages/gateway/the-negotiations/template/news_item.jsp?cid=37700
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