Thursday, February 17, 2011

PWC SCANDAL: the greater sin


It is surprising that OIOS did not discover the greater sin. If OIOS had actually done a more thorough job, they would have noticed that PWC owns the source code of IMIS, the UN’s current financial / accounting platform that Umoja will, some day, purportedly replace.

It should have become apparent to any one reviewing the procurement action in which PWC participated and apparently won that its ownership of IMIS placed PWC in an irreconcilable conflict of interest.

For PWC as an integrator of Umoja PWC has a vested interest in Umoja not getting implemented any time soon since every day of delay in its roll out is an additional day that the UN stands to pay for license fees to PWC for IMIS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well where was the Inga Britt great procurement task force????